
lemme go head and hit “publish”

folks do it all the time and don’t struggle nearly as much about it as this one right here does. they have an idea, get the words together, put a virtual stamp on it and (e)mail that chumpy. Or they pitch and sell that sucker or at the very least they hit the ‘publish’ button on their personal platform of choice. they share themselves through their work with the world.

if they have any of the worries that this writer has, it doesn’t stop them.

y’all. the worries are real (and real ridiculous) and laundry-list-able. i won’t get into the specifics now but best believe they will surface in posts to come. but i’m okay with that. i know it’s the work i have to do as a part of my personal journey.

in the last few years, i’ve grown to understand myself (and my process) with the help of lots of books, regular therapy, great teachers, very patient friends and family, and an annoying (but ultimately helpful) amount of self-reflection. And i can’t forget the community of amazing writers/creators out here making work that inspires me to get my shit all the way together.

so here i am again, showing up in this public domain, for no other reason than to practice being my truest self for myself, to exercise this muscle of self-acceptance with this gift that brings me home to myself when i’m feeling like ‘who done it and why?’

i’m here now. i said what i wanted to say. now lemme go head….

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